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2009 ECC Conference
June 21 - 23 at Marist College

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Sunday, June 21, 2009
Reception at the Marist College Historic Cornell Boathouse

5:30 PM                              

Early Registration



6:00 PM - 8:00 PM

Welcome Reception
Sponsored by IBM


Monday, June 22, 2009

8:30 AM - 10:00 AM

Registration/Continental Breakfast/Networking  


10:00 AM - 11:00 AM

Welcome and Keynote Speaker:
Nick Donofrio, IBM Fellow and Retired Executive Vice President for Innovatiion & Technology, IBM Corp
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– Nelly Goletti Theatre

11:10 AM - 12:20 PM

Enterprise Computing: Bridging the gap to Generation-Y with RDz and zLINUX Web
David Douglas and Christine Davis, U of A
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Education Advisory Council & Development & Use of DB2 Educational Material
Jasminder Singh, IBM with Teng Moh, San Jose University, and
Gene Fuh
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– Nelly Goletti Theatre


Bringing Open System and Open Source Software to Large-Scale Enterprise Systems
Chu Jong and Kyoungwon Suh, IlL. State University
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Inclusion of Virtualization on the Mainframe in an Intro Mainframe Course
Cameron Seay, North Carolina Central University
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– Room  348


In Search of 21st century Systems Programmer
Joseph Sinnott, Verizon
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Mainframe jobs at Verizon
Heather Bruchey, Verizon
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– Room  349


12:20 PM - 1:20 PM




1:20 PM - 2:20 PM

IT Workforce Trends Implications for curriculum & Hiring
Christine Bullen, Stevens Institute of Technology
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– Nelly Goletti Theatre



Enterprise Computing is more than just the Mainframe
Linda Grigoleit, IBM
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– Room  349



2:20 PM – 2:50 PM

Industry Panel Discussion



3:00 PM - 3:30 PM

Mainframe 2.0: Changing the way the mainframe is managed forever
Scott Fagen, CA
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–Nelly Goletti Theatre




Converged Networking for Next Generation Enterprise Data Centers
Casimer DeCusatis, IBM
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– Room  348




Ways to include Enterprise Computing content in current curriculum
Angelo Corridori, Marist College
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– Room  349



3:30 PM - 3:50 PM



Attaining the Next Edge in Data Center Resiliency and Energy Efficiency
Peter Curtis, Power Management Concepts
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– Nelly Goletti Theatre




Binghamton University Enterprise Computing Program
Merwyn Jones, Director of Linux Technology Center, Binghamton University
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– Room 348




Practice of Mainframe Education in Tongji University
Qin Liu and Jie Huang, Tongji University presented by: Gene Fuh, IBM
Zhen Gao, Jie Huang and Min Wang, Tonji University
Jian Yang, Fudan University
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– Room 349


4:30 PM - 5:30 PM

Curriculum Panel Discussion
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-Nelly Goletti Theatre



The Mettle Test: Demonstrating the self-optimizing & self- Healing capabilities of WebSphere on z/OS 
Carl Parris, IBM
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Download Presentation - Conclusion
– Room 349


6:00 PM

Buses leave for Dinner Cruise



6:30 PM - 9:30 PM

Hudson River Dinner Cruise



10:00 PM

Buses arrive back to Marist Campus



Tuesday, June 23, 2009
Student Center - Third Floor

8:00 AM - 9:00 AM

Continental Breakfast/ Networking


9:00 AM - 9:30 AM

Top 10 “Declassified” Secrets and Community Favourites
Kathleen Pfeiffer and Don Resnik, IBM
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–Nelly Goletti Theatre




Business oriented System Infrastructure Development Life Cycle for Enterprise Systems
Min Jiang, Illinois State University
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-Room 348




Mainframe Course Syllabus provided in Tongji university
Jinsong feng
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– Room  349


9:40 AM - 10:20 AM

Widener University and JP Morgan Experience Developing Large Systems Computing Program
Suk-Chung Yoon, Widener University and Noah Pascarell, JP Morgan Chase
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–Nelly Goletti Theatre




Undergraduates Exploring Enterprise Systems at Illinois State University
Justin Provost, Phil Maira and Ryan Hull, Illinois State University
Download Paper
– Room  348




Cloud Computing within the Enterprise
Andrea Greggo, IBM
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– Room  349



10:20 AM - 10:40 AM



10:40 AM - 11:40 AM

IBM Global technology Outlook
Guru Rao, IBM Research
–Nelly Goletti theatre


11:40 AM - 12:20 PM

Student Panel Discussion
– Nelly Goletti Theatre



Bringing FOSS to Enterprise Computing Systems – The Kualu Project
Andrew Austin, Illinois State University
Download Abstract
Download Presentation
– Room 348

Skills demands of the New Age Enterprise IT
Arunn Ramadoss, Mircro Focus
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12:30 PM - 2:00 PM

Sponsored Luncheon and Networking

Evaluators Focus Group #1
–  Room 348

Evaluators Focus Group #2
– Room 349


2:00 PM

Conference Closes

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Platinum Sponsors:

Gold Sponsors:
